Thank you, Utah Democrats, for your courageous good sense and compassion, for your blunt comments and purposeful questions, for your dedication to the values of democracy and our great state.
In the last four years, we have seen county Dems across the state organize, engage, and activate. We have built a statewide collaboration to clarify documents and strengthen our governance processes. We have grown awareness of each other and created volunteer teams for campaigns, our UDP booth at the State Fair, and office assistance during the exciting 2024 campaign. And we have sustained each other since November.
I have had the honor and pleasure to be part of that growth and structure-building as your state party secretary, including UDP duties, road trips to train and share ideas with Democrats throughout the state, and raising awareness of Democratic values.
With your vote at the 2025 UDP Convention, I am excited for the opportunity to continue serving! Let’s continue raising up each other and our communities with, borrowing from President Obama, our Utah audacity of hope.